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BigTank Series (Dia.18"-63"for Commercial&Industrial)

作者:admin??文章來源:??發布時間:2020-07-15 14:30:06


摘要:●Structure Materials ■Liner materal: PE ( Polyethylene), rotation molding, seamless without leakage I lOuter Winding: High performance Fiber Glass and Epoxy Resin; lOpening: 4 reinforced plastic thead , 6 alloy flange Bass Materials: FRP

●Structure & Materials
■Liner materal: PE ( Polyethylene), rotation molding,
seamless without leakage
I lOuter Winding: High performance Fiber Glass and Epoxy
lOpening: 4" reinforced plastic thead , 6" alloy flange
Bass Materials: FRP
●Aplication Conditions
Working Pressure: 100psi7bar or 150psi/10 5bar
Working Temperature: 1-49C
IMax. Vacuum: 127mm Hg
Lowest Environment Temperature: -27C
●Design Parameter
Safety ratio: 4:1
Burst Pressure: 600psi/42 bar;
Fatigue Cycle: 100,000

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